Sustainable development is not only reflected in growth in business but also in responsibility to the community and society. Over the years, Hoang Son Fly Ash and Cement Joint Stock Company has launched many meaningful activities towards the local community to share with difficult families.
Hoang Son Fly Ash and Cement Joint Stock Company believes sustainable development must be a harmonious combination of 2 factors: The growth in business activities and Social Responsibility.
Therefore, together with business activities, the Company always focuses on social work, charity, helping difficult families. This is considered one of the key activities throughout the development of Hoang Son. Therefore, not only our management but also our employees fully participate in and commit to community activities.
After Lunar New Year, to support difficult local families due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, Hoang Son’s charity team came to Residential Hamlet 2/5, Long Hau Commune, Can Giuoc District, Long An Province and send gifts to those families.

At the end of the trip, all the members were heartwarming at the sight of bright smiles, the eyes filled with the joy of those who received our support.

“Happiness means Love that is given and given to those in need.”.